Recymet begins by identifying and initially assessing the waste on-site, i.e. on the premises of the waste producer or generator, and then collects the waste using suitable transport. It then arrives at our facilities, where we classify, analyse and determine the quality of the material.
The quality of the material and its market price determines its optimum recovery. Based on customer requirements, the materials are then prepared, packaged and shipped to the client for their final use.
RECYMET SYSTEMS, S.L. makes the commitment to ensure an adequate level of on-the-job safety for its workers, without jeopardising health as a consequence of that job. It likewise endeavours to protect property and processes against possible losses.
To put this commitment into practice, the necessary measures will be adopted so that the safety conditions at job positions comply with the standards set forth in legislation and with the practices accepted in the industry.
Continuous attention will be given to identifying and eliminating hazards that could cause injury or illness to employees or cause fires, the loss of property or the loss of processes. The Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental Policy is available here:
In accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Risk Prevention Act (31/1995, of 8 November, art. 24) on the COORDINATION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITIES (CBA), we hereby inform you of the instructions and rules to follow as preventive measures against the potential occupational risks that may occur on the premises of RECYMET SYSTEMS S.L., through the following documents:
In accordance with regulations RD 171/2004 and RD 1627/97, RECYMET SYSTEMS, S.L. carries out the document management derived from the coordination of preventive and health and safety activities with visiting companies on its premises, through the AWS INTEGRA PLATFORM managed by the company ASEM PREVENCION. On this platform, all visiting companies must upload the required prevention of occupational risks documentation. The platform also contains RECYMET SYSTEMS, S.L.’s documentation on this matter.
We are here to answer any questions, to provide any additional information you may need about how to use this platform and to exchange information and documentation on the activity to be carried out on our work premises.